Weekly Skyhawk Scoop – September 18 – September 22

Welcome Celebration for Skyline Elementary Garden

Come visit on Saturday, September 23rd from 10am-2pm Skyline Elementary School to see the new garden. Fill out this form if you are planning to attend: https://forms.gle/BWU2XNzM3FURZJ8E6

Join the PTA

Don’t forget to join the Skyline PTA! It is a $12 membership. As a member, you will have a discount to our events. You are not required to volunteer as a member, but you are welcome to help out and/or attend our meetings! Click to join today -> https://jointotem.com/ca/daly-city/skyline-elementary-pta

Or if you prefer to fill out a form and send $12 with your child to school, please download the following form: 2023 PTA Membership Form

PTA Class Competition